Common Soil Contaminants Found Around Storage Tanks

If left unchecked, contaminated soil can cause health concerns for the property’s inhabitants, such as respiratory issues from toxic chemical fumes like benzene and toluene or severe diseases like cancer from polluted groundwater. Contaminated soil can also negatively impact plant growth, sending ripples through surrounding ecological systems.

Why do Underground Oil Tanks Need to be Removed?

Executive Summary Understanding Why Underground Oil Tanks Removal Is Important Underground oil tanks pose hidden dangers that can negatively affect property value and the surrounding environment. For example, an oil tank leak can lead to soil contamination, hinder vegetation growth, and potentially make inhabitants sick. Scheduling a professional-led environmental site assessment can help determine if […]

How Soil Sampling Works: a Step-by-Step Guide

How Soil Sampling Works- A Step-by-Step Guide_1000X250

Key Takeaways Understanding How Soil Sampling Works Soil testing is essential to detect contaminated soil and guarantee environmental safety. The sampling process can identify hazardous soil contaminants like leaked chemicals from underground storage tanks (USTs) that could otherwise go undetected. Soil sampling involves dirt being taken from different depths and locations throughout a property to […]

Winter Storm Preparedness in Portland: What You Need to Know

winter storm preparedness in portland

Winter storm preparedness is crucial in climates like Portland. The winter can bring hazards like freezing rain, power outages, and heavy snow, which can cause damage to your property. Property owners must be aware of the potential risks so that they can take steps to mitigate them.

When Is an Asbestos Survey Required?

Find out when an asbestos survey is needed for demolition or renovation. Ensure safety and compliance. Contact Alpha Environmental for expert services today!

Why Soil Sampling is Needed for Storage Tanks

Executive Summary Understanding Soil Sampling and Its Role in Storage Tank Maintenance Storage tanks are large containers that house liquids or compressed gases. Over 500,000 underground storage tanks (USTs) throughout the United States store petroleum or other hazardous substances. As storage tanks break down over time, it can lead to various environmental hazards. Damage or age-related deterioration […]

Understanding the Sewer Scope Inspection Process

An illustration depicting sewer inspection via scope

A sewer scope inspection is a video examination of the lateral sewer line that connects a house to the municipal or homeowners association (HOA) tap or septic tank. Scheduling routine plumbing scopes helps ensure your sewer system functions correctly, reducing the risk of sewage blockages or backups.