The Benefits of Bioswales and Bioretention in Stormwater Management

The Benefits of Bioswales and Bioretention in Stormwater Management

Executive Summary You might not realize that some pleasant vegetation landscaping along the road or sidewalk actually serves a beneficial purpose for the surrounding infrastructure and local waterways. In developed areas, stormwater flows over hard surfaces like streets into storm drains, gathering pollutants along the way with no chance of filtration. A bioswale or bioretention […]

What is a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan?

what is a stormwater pollution prevention plan

With 2 million tons of sewage and other contaminants polluting the world’s water every day, it pays for businesses and companies to have a pollution prevention plan in place. And if you’re a company executive or a business owner, there’s a high chance you’ve come across the term “stormwater pollution prevention plan.” Or better yet, […]