Top 5 Myths about Radon Debunked

top 5 myths about radon debunked

Radon is a common radioactive gas that can pose health risks from long-term exposure. The EPA notes that one in 15 homes have high radon levels and recommends testing any time you build or buy a new home, as radon can affect any home. Fortunately, with the support of experienced professionals, radon testing is a […]

How Much Does it Cost to Remove Asbestos?

If you’ve heard any of those late-night mesothelioma commercials, you’re likely already aware of the health hazards that asbestos poses. Asbestos is a hazardous material commonly found in older homes and is a health concern that shouldn’t be brushed off.  As a homeowner, you might be wondering if you have asbestos and asking yourself, “How […]

How Long Does Mold Remediation Take?

how long does mold remediation take?

If you’ve ever stumbled upon an unsightly mold growth or a strong, musty smell, you’ve likely already sighed in desperation as you ask yourself, “How long does mold remediation take?” If so, don’t worry. You’re not alone.  While most people understand that mold remediation is critical in protecting their homes and their health, the timeline […]

How Does Trenchless Sewer Repair Work?

how does trenchless sewer repair work?

If you’re sick and tired of dealing with the mess and costs that come with traditional sewer repair methods, you need to know about this game-changing solution—trenchless sewer repair.  But what is that? How does trenchless sewer repair work, and what makes it such an innovative alternative?  Join us as we explore trenchless sewer repair […]

Why Lead Testing Should Be a Priority for Homeowners

why lead testing should be a priority for homeowners

Is lead testing mandatory for homeowners? Although not legally mandatory in every jurisdiction, lead testing is a good idea. Given the potential health hazards of lead, having your home inspected and tested for lead can provide you with peace of mind and promote a healthy environment. Lead testing is the most important step in identifying […]

Understand the Importance of Professional Mold Testing

understanding the importance of professional mold testing

Understanding the importance of professional mold testing is essential to ensure a healthy living environment, especially in a wetter climate like Portland. Professional mold testing is the process of identifying and analyzing mold growth in a home or business by trained and certified professionals.  By identifying the extent and type of mold growth, the potential […]

Protect Your Commercial Property with Soil Testing

protect your property with soil testing

Your commercial property is your investment and protecting it is essential. Did you know that one of the most crucial but often overlooked aspects of property maintenance is soil testing?  Soil testing is a quick and accurate process of analyzing the composition and properties of soil to determine potential hazards and its current state of […]

Safe & Effective Asbestos Abatement: A Guide

safe and effective asbestos abatement

If you grew up watching TV before streaming was a thing, anytime in the 2000s, you’ve likely seen a commercial about asbestos exposure. And if you ever caught one of those commercials, you may have asked yourself, “What is asbestos?” and “What is asbestos abatement?” Asbestos was once a common building material due to its […]

How Often Should You Clean Your Septic Tank: A Guide

how often should you clean your septic tank

Are you sitting on a ticking time bomb in your backyard? If you’re a homeowner with a septic system, neglecting its maintenance can lead to costly repairs and an unpleasant living environment.  In this guide, we’ll provide all the information you need to know about how often to clean a septic tank, the signs to […]